The First Aid Training Company

PUAWER005B  Operate as part of an emergency control organisation (FIRE WARDEN)- $130

Fire Warden & Evacuation Training

Course Summary

This nationally approved and accredited course will equip your personnel with the skills and knowledge required to act as a Fire Warden during an emergency. By selecting an appropriate number of wardens and conducting regular warden training, your organisation will ensure that your personnel are ready to deal with any workplace emergency.

This course is as per the Australian Standards in accordance with the requirements of AS 1851-2005 Section 19 Emergency Evacuation Procedures and AS3745-2010 and integrate this with the Emergency Plans and Procedures of the business.

During the warden training course we will cover the duties of wardens during emergencies such as: Fires, Bomb threats, Chemical Incidents, Armed Holdups and many more. Warden training is only conducted by experienced emergency services personnel. Our warden trainers have responded to real emergencies as emergency services officers and can walk you through the requirements of acting as a fire warden.

Course Content

This course is designed to be tailored to meet the needs of the client and company’s operation.
The course is composed of five sections:

  • Introduction to the Legislation and Australian Standards
  • Evacuation Procedures
  • Introduction to Portable Fire Extinguishers
  • Evacuation Exercise

Topics Include:

  • Reasons for evacuation
  • Basic fire prevention
  • Bomb threat procedures
  • Evacuation procedures (with practical work)
  • Raising the fire alarm
  • A debriefing session

Assessment Methods:

  • Multiple choice & written questions
  • Practical demonstrations/skills observations


  • Upon successful completion a Statement of Attainment will be issued for
  • Valid for 2 years from the completion date
The First Aid Training Company delivers accredited training and assessment under the auspice of Safety Corp Pty Ltd (RTO Provider No. 91694)

Course Dates Available